I had been trying out various GPS apps for my Droid smartphone. Each did something I wanted, but none had done all I wanted as yet. So on somebody's recommendatnion I downnloaded Endomundo for Android phones. Started it up today on my paddle and didn't know what to expect. So after a 10 second countdown audibly, I put out and paddled.
Gorgeous, warm, bright, sunny, clear and calm fall morning on the canals. Even the gibbous moon was still visible in the sky.
After a mile I hear a voice coming from below my armpit (where the cell phone is attached to my PFD) telling me my time, distance and that I'm "on target". That was funny, because I never set a target that I could recall. How did she know? LOL
I was certainly startled, as I'd seen not a single human being and it had just been me and the ducks.
At two miles she piped up to tell me the same thing. Same me, only less startled to hear my armpit talking.
However, after stopping to rest and restarting, at 4 miles she started to bitch that I was getting behind target! Shit, I go kayaking to get away from people telling me what to do at work and at home....
Since I had to pull out the phone to answer my wife's call at 5 miles, I figured out how to stop the app from running.
When I got home I discovered that it has several settings built in for "nagging" you. Not my style! If I wanted boot camp, I'd have joined the army.
Next up is a used Gopro Hero HD (model 1) that I ordered on ebay. Hope that works well for pix/video without nagging me!
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