Sunday, May 21, 2023

Not quite what was touted....

Burlingame Plein Air Painters out at Mori Point today in hopes of catching the vaunted "superbloom". Unfortunately, there was only a bloom of mostly ice plants on top of the point itself, a seriously long hike with painting gear. So we spread out below and captured other scenes.

I got two. A 12x9" watercolor and ink (and a bit of gouache and Neocolor 2) on paper, and a 5x3.5" watercolor and ink on paper.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Searching for superblooms and finding....

 Not so easy in the SF Bay Area, despite all the lovely pictures posted of flowers. My group went out to Coyote Hills Regional Park in Fremont, CA, yesterday in hopes of spotting a big varied colored bloom. Nope, but there were instances of floral highlights.

It was cold as the Arctic with a stiff wind blowing, plus long straight uphill walks to the supposed best spots, and already ill with a cold, instead of lugging my heavier pastel or acrylic gear I opted to keep experimenting with Caran D'Ache Neocolor II crayons. Got two, one landscape from life and one take off on blooming Ceanothus bushes, both 12x9" on Bockingford hot-pressed paper. (Excuse the hastily done photos.) B. Charlow 2023