Sunday, December 26, 2021

Who won?

Sort of beat the weather today. Took the chance despite all the rain and brought my plein air group out to Princeton/Pillar Point Harbor. Cold, but interesting lighting and we had fun. Even got my favorite Manhattan Clam Chowder for the effort. Rain came after we left, though the cold went right through us.

I couldn't find a boat I liked, so I made this one up. Sort of looks like it to me too.... Not my best, but at least there's something interesting that works in places on the lighting concept.

9x12" pastel on Wine Pastelmat.

Friday, November 26, 2021

More of Mori Point

 Out at Mori Point in Pacifica, CA today with our group. Great weather and some very good painting indeed. 12x9" soft pastel on Anthracite Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Blue House Farm

 Out with the group in San Gregorio today. The farm layout wasn't what I expected (though I should have known having seen it before.) But I was able to find a good subject anyway. 

Blue House Farm in Half Moon Bay, CA. 20x10" pastel on white Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Nothing like a vineyard to stir your spirits on a Fall day

 Back to Portola Vineyards with our painting group. Lovely day, lots of great work. I painted this 9x12" pastel on Buttercup Pastelmat of the trees in back lighting across the pond.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Other White House!

 Out at White House Creek Beach in Pescadero CA today with the group. What a lovely spot! Once away from the road, it's very quiet and peaceful. Beautiful views in all directions. 9x12" pastel on Maize Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

San Gregorio Barn

 I'm painting too literally lately and not lyrically, the latter being more my preference. But they're not bad. This one is off because the barn is drawn incorrectly re scale/shape, but it still sort of works. The value structure is right.

 12x9" pastel on Sand Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021, San Gregorio, CA.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Not your pigeon!

 Can't vouch for why my camera distorts my paintings, but at least you'll get the idea. We had 30 painters out today at Pigeon Point in Pescadero, CA. I got this one, 12x9" pastel on dark gray Pastelmat. Looks better in person.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Puttin' on the Ritz

 We painted all around the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay.

Bodega Head

 Which is not either a stoner nickname nor a euphenism for a hangover. Had a great time with the bikers in Bodega Bay and got some painting in to boot.

Le Conte Trail

 We had over 25 painters today fanned out across Le Conte Trail. Lovely work all around. I got this one pastel that looks great in the natural light in which it was painted, but looks terrible inside and is simply very difficult to reproduce with cell cameras or scanning.

Le Conte Trail, 12x9" pastel on Maize Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021. Montara, CA.

Please excuse the reproduction, which doesn't do it justice. I'm having the devil of a time getting true repro from my pastels these days.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Anything but "crabby"

 Got in one pastel with the group yesterday in Half Moon Bay. Got a call from Lisa that she and the boys and Tamir were down the street so we met up. Fun!

Crab apple tree: 9x12" pastel on Wine Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021, Half Moon Bay, CA

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pescadero in the Mist

 Had real fun in the mist at Pescadero and the hole in the rock. Nearly got soaked in the rock tunnel at the end when the tide came rushing in! Beach painting came out well and video even better. 

9x12" pastel on Sienna (?) Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021. Pescadero, CA. 

Monday, June 14, 2021


 When you have nothing strong in your head, not much comes out on the paper either (unless you're into abstract.) So a gentle but not spectacular scene ends up being... meh. Yesterday out at Potrero Nuevo Farm, painted this one pastel on Buttercup Pastelmat, 12x9".

Monday, May 31, 2021

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

 "Path to the Tidepools". 9x12" soft pastel on dark blue Pastelmat. B. Charlow 2021. Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, Moss Beach, CA.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Fog on the mountain

Mother Nature faked out the painting group today. Weather on top of Skyline was foggy, blustery and cold, but most of us went anyway. I got two this time: deer skull (pastel on dark brown Pastelmat, 9x12") and forest fog effect (pastel on dark gray Pastelmat, 9x12").

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hidden in Plain Sight

 Had a great time today painting at Hidden Villa. Good turnout and perfect weather. Lots of interesting scenes and lighting.

B. Charlow 2021, 12x9" pastel on Anthracite Pastelmat, Hidden Villa Ranch in Cupertino, CA

Friday, April 23, 2021

Cattin' around Pescadero

 Out painting at a private ranch in Pescadero today. Really gorgeous place, lots of buildings, animals, scenery. Struggled with this one a bit.

TomKat Ranch flower cart, pastel on Siena Pastelmat, 9x12", B. Charlow 2021

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 Had a fun day painting in Alviso. Had to amp up the color, as the marsh was sere brown. Snagged two: 12x9" pastel on light blue Pastelmat; pen sketch of one of our painters painting.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Rockin' Away at Rockaway

 Out at Rockaway Beach today with at least 25 painting buddies. Lovely day and some good paintings. I snagged two, not well photographed, and a bit splotchy due to the fixative. But it was fun!

First one was of the rock headland in the waves: 12x9" soft pastel on light blue Pastelmat.

Second one was of the large colorful rocky jetty against the chocolate sands, 12x9" soft pastel on light gray Pastelmat.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


Had a great time painting in the sunshine out on the Moss Beach bluffs. Almost 30 painters! Everyone is eager to get going again.

Got this one, pastel on white Pastelmat, 9x12". Color from my camera is a bit off, but you get the idea.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Down on Bob's Farm

 Not my best, but it's been 3 months since the group was able to paint together. Lovely bright yellow oxalis all over the fields in Half Moon Bay. 12x9" pastel on Wine Pastelmat.

Farmer chased us all out.