Monday, September 30, 2019

From little acorns grow....

This mighty oak is a heritage tree here on the Peninsula and is reputed to be 450 years old! Magnificent tree owned by someone I know. She has not been able to get a good photo done of it by a seasoned pro that works for her, so foolishly I volunteered to try painting it.

Well, I did it! 12x9" Ceracolor on birch panel. Having terrible time trying to find a frame for it, though.....

Sunday, September 22, 2019


Good day painting in weird weather at Mori Point in Pacifica. Warm everywhere, but right at the beach, where the fog made us all frozen. 

This is not a good color rendition of this 9x12" acrylic; I'm having trouble getting my cell camera to get the right color and photoshop only helps a bit. But this gives you an idea anyway. 

Started off trying knife painting, but feel that is like trying to paint with a card table sized object, so abandoned that for the brushes.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Lost my amateur status!

I am blown away! This little watercolor, that I donated to a charity auction in little Pescadero, sold for $300 framed. Who would have thought it? I figured it might go for $50 or less or not at all. Meantime, nearly the same period none of my much better and larger pieces at the Sanchez Art Center show sold. But at least I'm now a "pro", LOL.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Apple of my eye

Good day painting on the coast at Potrero Nuevo Farm. I liked the apple orchard, so tried two: first is soft pastel on wine colored Pastelmat, 12x9"; second is watercolor and ink on paper, 8x5". Some parts I like, but they weren't quite on target for me.