Sunday, September 30, 2018

Big Turnout - No Crush

Big turnout of about 16 painters at Portola Vineyards. They were in the middle of their "crush", so no wine tasting, but great painting day.

First one is 12x9 acrylic on masonite of their woodpile with very large oak trunk pieces.

Second one is small 5x7 watercolor and ink of a tree there on paper.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Lands End at Summer's End

Great day painting at Lands End in SF with the group.

First is acrylic on masonite, 12x9", Seal Rocks; second is 12x6" acrylic on masonite, Lands End path and scene.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Potrero Nuevo Farm Redux

Back at PNF today in the overcast and cool weather. Fun with the farmers!

Not thrilled with this picture. Painted it over 4 - 5 times and each time messed it up! Ah well....