Saturday, May 13, 2017

DIY pochade in action at Golden Gate Bridget

We were out to see the Monet exhibit at the Legion of Honor in SF today, then painting overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. New DIY pochade fully completed and in action. Works like a charm! Can't say as much for my painting, though. Ceracolors on tinted Bockingford paper (from England). I never seem to do that well with the GG Bridge. Ah well....

Friday, May 5, 2017

My DIY Pochade

My love of tinkering and my painting have come together in my little DIY pochade box for plein air work.

I have an expensive larger Guerrilla Painter box that I use for my main acrylic work outdoors. In this case I wanted something smaller, simpler and far less expensive for use with my Ceracolors.

Enter a local simpatico cigar store (yes, the do still exist and they all sell empty boxes to hobbyists), 3 boxes, some ordinary hardware, stuff from around the house, some simple tools - and I have a masterpiece!

Take a look at this: