Sunday, September 25, 2016

Escaping the Heat in Half Moon Bay

About 15 of us painted in Half Moon Bay today. Everything from a garbage bin to the cemetery! Everyone found something different to paint and they all came out interesting. We were lucky to escape the inner Bay heat, which was well into the 90s, even in usually naturally air conditioned Foster City. Glad we had such a beautiful day on the coast.

So my painting is more colorful, but a bit on the rough side:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Western Sonoma Sojourn

So I took myself up to the Russian River for mini-vacation, joining my bike buddies afterwards for a weekend in Bodega Bay. Love the Western Sonoma countryside! Lots to see and do.

But I didn't do as much painting as I expected (and my acrylic set was frozen shut so couldn't use that.) Just some watercolors, one ink and water pencil, the other two in acrylic gouache (with which I get mixed results.)

Here's the one I like:
Here's the one done from memory as an exercise that is OK:

And here's one from a photo reference that I don't like:

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Frizzly Weather on the Coast

Potrero Nuevo Farm is a lovely organic operation. They feed the hungry and shelter cyclists. Really nice people. Had a great time painting.